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8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

One Piece is one of the most popular and successful anime and manga series of all time. Ever since it first premiered and was adapted to a TV series, fans noticed that multiple characters sported tattoos on their bodies.

Here are some of the most common tattoos seen on characters from One Piece.

1. Whitebeard pirates


8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

Ace D. Portgas is one of the most popular characters from One Piece and belongs to the Whitebeard pirates. This tattoo, the emblem of this pirate group, is added to the backs of its captains and higher-ups.

2. Sun pirates

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The Sun Pirates in One Piece were formed by Fisher Tiger. Both Arlong and Jinbe were former pirates of this crew, and this tattoo can be seen on Jinbe and Fisher Tiger.

This group of pirates eventually split into three factions, namely the Arlong Pirates and the Marco Pirates while Jinbe became one of the seven warlords of the sea.

3. Arlong

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Arlong Pirates captured the town where Nami lived during the Arlong Park arc. The tattoo consists of a shark and two bones in the background.

This was the pirates’ symbol and it is tattooed onto all of the members of Arlong’s Pirates. Even Nami had to have it placed on her arm as an act of loyalty.

4. Ace

8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

In One Piece, Ace has two tattoos. The Whitebeard Pirates emblem and a second tattoo that spells “ASCE.” Sources say that the letters in this tattoo stand for something. “A” is for Ace, “S” is for Sabo, “C” is for crybaby or, in this case, Luffy, and “E” is for Edward Newgate.

5. Luffy

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The main character of One Piece has “3D2Y” tattooed. It just marks out the time he spent training. The tattoo is a reminder for his crew to meet him two years and three days later.

6. Nami

8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

This character from One Piece was forced to have an Arlong tattoo. However she does not support what he did to the town she lived in. Towards the end of the Arlong Park arc, she asks for a matching tattoo as her sister.

7. Law

8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

In One Piece, Law has tribal tattoos all over his body. One of the most popular among fans is on his chest. This logo belongs to the Heart Pirates, their captain is none other than Trafalgar Law himself.

8. Kozuki Oden’s emblem

8 татуировки и техните значения в One Piece

Allies of Kozuki Oden have a tattoo in the shape of a crescent moon on their ankles even after Orochi killed Oden and slandered their name. This tattoo is the family emblem of the Kozuki clan, who has ruled this country for generations.

Find more amazing articles about One Piece at our blog here!


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